Wednesday 28 September 2011

Promarker and Stamp storage ideas...

Hello peeps!
the past couple of days I have been sorting out my craft room to try and turn my creative bombsite into some kind of organised crafting heaven :)

I have to say from the start that these storage ideas are unfortunately not my own original sparks of brilliance - they came from a discussion with some crafty friends  and from searching the internet for storage solutions! anyway - they worked for me, so I am sharing them with anyone who wants to use them!

I LOVE my promarkers but I quickly loose patience when I end up pulling the same colour out of the box umpteen times. so I have colour coded them. not a new idea, i know, but i found it really useful :)


I picked a cute star punch for the top of each pen lid. next I used double sided tape on some white card and punched out the stars. ta-da!! peel off the backing tape...sticky stars! I used the same white card that I use when stamping, so that the coloured star shows the true colour it will be when used to colour my images…

next I stuck the stars onto the flat topped promarker caps and coloured them in. i found it easier to colour the stars after they were stuck on the lid - much too fiddly when they weren't stuck down.


now all my promarkers are labelled and I can see exactly what colours they are without taking them out of the box!!! WOOOOOO!!!


also - on the side of my box I have cut out the colour chart that comes with every pack of pens and glued it to the side. I've then marked off which pens I have. useful for when I'm looking at buying new sets and need to know which ones I haven't got! :)

I think when I get more I might look into something a little more organised than my box... I found a clip on YouTube where a woman used a CD holder from Tesco. VERY good idea - take a look!!!

This will work with ANY stamp that you use with an acrylic block...

I got hold of some CD cases and took the black bits out of the case (the bit the CD snaps onto) so I was left with just the clear outer bit.

I took my pack of stamps and put them into the case - the 'cling' of the stamp sticks to the plastic like it does to an acrylic block. I then numbered the case using a Sharpie.

next, I stamped everything in that case onto a sheet of A4 paper and numbered the page. I did this with all of my clear stamps, and my stamps with Kling-On foam.


I put all the sheets of paper (in number order) into a ring binder. I now have a very organised number system for my stamps. The chaos that was my stamp drawer is now a very nice looking set of 3 boxes on my shelf. I bought the boxes from Instore for about £3 each. each box holds 20 CD cases.


since doing this I have found that I use SO many more of my stamps - before I only ever used the stamps on the top of the pile... I had NO IDEA what I had. now I have a quick flick through and I can see everything I own... and the actual stamp size too!! UBER useful!

I have also done a few pages in the front of the ringbinder for my embossing folders too... it's nice to know what you have and what it looks like so by having pieces of the embossed paper in the folder it makes it a quick easy reference.

really hope these ideas are useful - they were for me :) lemme know if you have any crafty storage solutions too - post a link or a piccy! always looking for ways to make my crafting life easier! :)

That's it for now... will have to tell you about my scrap box solution another time!x
keep crafting - speak

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