Monday 29 September 2014

A couple of cute cardy sets!!

So, I've finished the little brown set too!!!

I couldn't be happier!! This set is sooooo cute!!!

Think I may experiment with colour changing wool next - hobbycraft had a lovely cream and blue ball of wool. I feel a shopping trip coming up! 

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Crochet baby set - finished!

Well, I crocheted another version of the red cardigan and it came out better than the 1st!! (And I'm sure the next one will be even better!!)

I'm so, so proud!!! The last thing I crocheted before I took I this project was a granny square - now I'm crocheting clothes!!! The set is SUPER cute - I just need to find the right buttons for it now.

I have started a set in brown too - I'm already in love with it! I have found that I had been missing a chain in the puff stitches of the red versions though - that extra chain stitch makes ALL the difference to the overall shape of the cardy! Not that anyone would be able to tell... Bit I know! Lol!!

Just finishing up the sleeves then onto the cute booties! Yay baby stuff!!!

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Crochet booties...

I am totally in love with these little booties. This is the point where I left them last time... I was worried about the wrap around as a lot of the comments on the blog I found the pattern on said about how no matter what the did they ended up with 2 boots the same, with the wrap the same way.

Well, chuffed to say I didn't have that problem. I just need to find 2 super cute buttons for the sides now! These are the smallest, most adorable things I have ever made!!!!

I've started the cardigan again, using DC instead of TC. Already it's looking better. I have a mysterious dropped stitch somewhere though so I'll need to hunt that down 2night!! Lol!!

While I'm on the subject of babies.... I don't think I ever posted about what I made for my newborn nephew last year...
A massive cross stitch!

It took me MONTHS!!!! But looked awesome! So totally worth it!

Thursday 11 September 2014


I finished the triple crochet and then moved into the puff stitch - which looks like little balls!!! The first few looked AWESOME, then I had issues. No matter what I did I couldn't get the needle back through the stitches to create the puff. I was gettin so angry that I was on the verge if tears!! (Guess I'm just a passionate crafter! Lol) after 20 mins of swearing and cursing I figured it might not be my tools... You know know the might be me!! My tension was WAY too tight this bit letting the needle pass through under the stitches. I loosened up a bit and it all went smoothly from there!!! 

The end of the triples...

The little puffs. SO CUTE!!!! I can't believe how quickly the jacket stitched up once the puffs were started.


DC edging! Looks so much neater!!

The little cardigan just before the eves were added. This would be lovely for late spring- just enough to keep their little bodies warm.

And here's the Cardy with sleeves - 
How frickin cute is that?!? 
Comparing it to the pic that came with the pattern... (As you can see I got the pattern from Pinterest!) 

... I think There may be some UK/US translation mishaps - I think my triples should have been doubles and my doubles should be singles... But for a 1st attempt I'm super happy!!!!

WELL..... I was so chuffed with the little cardigan that I started on some booties!!!
(Again, another Pinterest free pattern find!)

OMG. I can't believe how little these are!!! Soooooo cute!!!

I had to use YouTube to learn how to SC2tog and DC2tog (decrease stitches) but a few minutes and I was back crocheting. Gotta love the internet!!
These little booties are gonna be 'wrap around buttoned booties. 

I was up til 1am last night doing these - I got so carried away that I lost track of time. Startin on the wrap around on the booties today so can't wait!!! Hopefully il get the pair finished this weekend.

Back to crochet - take 2!!

Whilst at work today my mind was wandering (as it often does at work) and I was thinking about this little crochet cardigan.... And how I was crocheting into the back stitch of the loop (possibly the wrong terminology but I hope it make sense!) leaving me with a visible 'cable' running between the rows...

Well, I came home (after googling it and finding out that, yes, a 'normal' crochet stitch goes under both front AND back loops) and started to unravel yesterday's work so I could rework it.



So I started again (doing it right)

1st attempt after the snap... See the 'cable' running between the rows??

2nd attempt - MUCH better!! 

So I have another 3 rows to go before the pattern changes and I can balls things up again!!!

I'll keep you posted!!!

Monday 8 September 2014

Back to crochet!!!

My best friend is pregnant and due to have her baby at the end if January next year - hubby's best friend and his wife announced today that they are expecting too!! (Same day as will & Kate announced baby number 2!!) There's obviously something in the water, lol!! 

With all this lovely news I thought I would crack out the crochet hooks and make something little for our friends!!! 

I found a free baby cardigan pattern on Pinterest and picked up some cheap wool to have a practice on.

This is after an hour or so this evening...

I'm actually pretty damn proud of that!! Think it will look awesome a) when it's done and b) when I use some half decent wool!! 😉

I'll keep posting with updates! Squeeeee!!! Babies!!!!

Thursday 14 August 2014

Paper cuts...

So after thoroughly enjoying working through the DIY paper cutting kit from Paper Panda I decided to give myself a challenging project.

With the knowledge that our 1 yr wedding anniversary is approaching (October) I thought I would do a paper cut as a pressie for hubby - according to tradition the present for 1 year should be paper. Perfect!!!

On my journeys across the world wide web searching for inspiration I came across a design that literally couldn’t have been more perfect – it was a cut that incorporated part of ‘A Lovely Love Story’ by Edward Monkton - we had this beautiful reading at our wedding

I changed the initials and date and started to cut....

And cut...

And cut...

And cut!!

I must admit - I'm bloody proud of myself!!! It looks fantastic - and looks like lace!! I will be cutting it again as I feel my lines are smoother now and I could get a cleaner finish but I'm super chuffed with how it looks!!

Once the final copy is finished and framed I will post a picture of the whole thing. 

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Hand cut Congratulations...

A special card for a very special friend, my best friend shared the news that she is 12 weeks pregnant last week! I am SOOOO happy for her!! (and secretly can’t wait to start doing some baby related shopping!!)

With all my craft stuff in storage and a limited selection of premade cards I decided that I wanted to do a special paper cut card for her.

I googled some images and found a design I loved, drew it out, and traced it onto the card – then I started cutting!!!

I found that the card looks AWESOME with no backing paper but you would be able to see the written message through the gaps, I bought some pastel colours (thinking good choice for a baby card) and thought that it looked really ‘blah’ – then I tried the metallic blue – BAM. The paper cut really pops on top of dark colours!!! I wanted it to be gender neutral but in the situation I am in with VERY limited resources the blue will have to do.

I’m super happy with it – hope she likes it!!


Monday 21 July 2014

I love your curves and all your edges...

Another gorgeous paper it from the DIY paper panda kit. 

Sooooo cute!! Think I'm gonna mount this one and frame it for a special little someone.

I have bought the Fiskars swivel blade and I've found that cutting the curves is SO much easier with it than with a straight blade. Maybe when I'm a little better I will try curves again with the scalpel.

I've got a congratulations card to make that I think I'm going to design a paper cut for!! Exciting times!!! Looking forward to cutting a design of my own!!

Wednesday 16 July 2014

Paper cutting - Panda style!!

I arrived home today to see that the postman had brought me my paper panda parcel!!! It was beautifully packaged and as a kit it was very well put together.

I sat down and read the a4 introduction and instruction page. Then I started cutting!!

The kit includes a practise sheet where there are lines, circles, stars and swirls to master. 

I must say - I'm super proud of myself for managing to cut the swirl without ballsing it up!! 

The curves aren't quite as smooth as they could be but not bad considering this is my 1st evening doing it!!

I think I'm going to have a lot of fun with paper cutting!! And I can already see how I can use it in my card making too!

Saturday 12 July 2014

No cardmaking for a while...

... We have moved house!! We were waiting for a response from the Solicitors for what felt like ages and then BAM - we got the phone call to say that we had a completion date! We had from the 11th July to no later than the 28th to choose from... we picked the 11th, which gave us 8 days to pack the house up!!

We managed to do it and handed the keys in 1 day early!! We have bought a new build in a new area of town but it won't be finished for another 6 months, so we have moved in with hubbys parents until our house is ready.

Due to the limited space at my in-laws my entire craft room has gone into storage; all I have brought with me is my bag of wools and my crochet needles. Its a shame because crochet really isn't inspiring me at the moment. I have found something else that might just get my creative juices flowing again though...

I have recently, by the power of Facebook, been introduced to the amazing work of Paper Panda, an amazing paper cutter who not only sells her beautiful cuts but also sells DIY kits!! I think I may have just found something to keep me busy for the next 6 months!

So, although I may not be posting any cards for a while hopefully I will be posting other crafty bits. I'm off now to order my paper cutting kit! 

Sunday 29 June 2014

Another colouring session...

I've been signed off work with a slipped disc. Painful, super painful. So while I'm doped up to the eyeballs on painkillers and propped up in the armchair I thought I would colour in a load more digis. 

I have about 28 waiting with their coordinating papers all ready to be made into cards now!! The good thing about matching them with papers before colouring is that once you're done with the image all you have to do is sort the layout! Making the card is super quick!!! Here's what I knocked up in the hour I could face sitting at my desk:

A cute new home card!

A vintage wedding card

An 'any reason' card. 

A sweet non gender specific baby card.

A sepia celebrate card! (LOVE this digi!!)

Hope you like them!! 

I'm slowly stocking up ready for when we move out... We have sold our house and bought a new build - which isn't built yet. So we have to move in with my inlaws, and my card stuff has to go into storage! So I have to have about 6months worth if cards ready for when we move in with them. Best start on the Xmas cards really!! lol!!!

Friday 20 June 2014

Tiddly Inks!

Ive fallen in love with some digi stamps from Tiddly Inks - mainly 'Thanks a Latte'

Those girls are so damn cute! And it's such a versatile image!!

I slipped a disc last week so have been off my feet for a few days - perfect time to colour some digis!!

Always a fan of bright, colourful hair - I tend to do unnatural colours 1st. Loving the red and blue!!

Next I had a bash at a sepia style image using only browns and creams. Think I did quite we with my limited range of promarkers!!

I then tried a more 'realistic' colour palette, with a blond and a

I LOVE this image!!!

Saturday 17 May 2014

Double Slider Card

I'm still on my Fun Fold phase!! I came across this card whilst surfing pinterest and youtube - its a card that has 2 hidden panels that slide out - its so cute!!

I used a 12.5cm square pre folded card for this. 
(you can use card stock, it will need to be 25x12.5cm)
crease the card at 8, 16 and 24cm.

take a strip of the plastic bag and wrap it around the 1st panel - you want tip snug but not too tight - this is going to slide the internal panels up and down.

you will only need 1 strip about 1-1.5 inches wide - I have more cut here as I'm planning on making a few!

the internal panels (the sliders) need to be 7.5x12.5 with a piece of 6.5x11.5 mounted on it. 
you will need 2 of these.

 punch a notch out of the center panel - this will make it easier to pull the slider once the card is assembled.

put some double sided tape at the BOTTOM of the plastic bag - I did about 3 cm high. line your 1st slider panel with the white side facing DOWN onto the centre panel. fold the 1st panel over onto the middle panel.

now put some double sided tape onto the TOP of the plastic bag. line the slider panel up on the 3rd panel with the white facing UP. fold the card up to adhere the slider to the plastic bag.

if you unfold it all now it should look like this :

 fold it back up and put some sticky tape on the thin panel that is left over.

 this needs to stick to the white card underneath the slider panel (where my top finger is) sticking it underneath the slider means sure there isn't any interference to the sliding mechanism when you pull it.

because I have made this from a pre folded card I have a crease running down the front of the slider card. (you wont have this is you have used CS) easily sorted - just add some coordinating card!! this also will strengthen the card - added bonus!

add a make to the slider panel where you want to add a brad to secure your ribbon - this makes it easier when you pull it out to see where you need to punch your hole.

now all that's left to do is decorate!!!

Thursday 15 May 2014

Slider card

Seem to be going through a bit of a phase thing at the moment – a few weeks ago I was ALL OVER digis and colouring. This week I’m bored of them and wanted to do some cards using different folds.


I can across the slider card (and the peek a boo card – but that’s another post!!) and fell in love!!

It’s not a standard card that opens – it’s a postcard style card with a slider that reveals a hidden message! With Fathers day coming up I thought this was a perfect card to make for my dad.


Unfortunately I didn’t take pictures of the process as I thought it was just going to be a rough ‘practice’ card – but it ended up turning out pretty damn awesome!!!


I found the tutorial on youtube and she used a piece of CS cut down – I thought – sod that... I’m gonna use a pre folded card and adapt the measurements! SUPER EASY!!! Saved ALOT of time and meant I had a matching envelope! Can be made in ANY size.


So , here is my slider card!


Then you pull the ribbon....



The message panel pops out and the slider reveals a second little area for a cute stamp!!

LOVE THIS CARD!!! So versatile! Think I am going to make on for a wedding we are going to in a few months – I will post all my process and all measurements in that post.