Saturday 17 May 2014

Double Slider Card

I'm still on my Fun Fold phase!! I came across this card whilst surfing pinterest and youtube - its a card that has 2 hidden panels that slide out - its so cute!!

I used a 12.5cm square pre folded card for this. 
(you can use card stock, it will need to be 25x12.5cm)
crease the card at 8, 16 and 24cm.

take a strip of the plastic bag and wrap it around the 1st panel - you want tip snug but not too tight - this is going to slide the internal panels up and down.

you will only need 1 strip about 1-1.5 inches wide - I have more cut here as I'm planning on making a few!

the internal panels (the sliders) need to be 7.5x12.5 with a piece of 6.5x11.5 mounted on it. 
you will need 2 of these.

 punch a notch out of the center panel - this will make it easier to pull the slider once the card is assembled.

put some double sided tape at the BOTTOM of the plastic bag - I did about 3 cm high. line your 1st slider panel with the white side facing DOWN onto the centre panel. fold the 1st panel over onto the middle panel.

now put some double sided tape onto the TOP of the plastic bag. line the slider panel up on the 3rd panel with the white facing UP. fold the card up to adhere the slider to the plastic bag.

if you unfold it all now it should look like this :

 fold it back up and put some sticky tape on the thin panel that is left over.

 this needs to stick to the white card underneath the slider panel (where my top finger is) sticking it underneath the slider means sure there isn't any interference to the sliding mechanism when you pull it.

because I have made this from a pre folded card I have a crease running down the front of the slider card. (you wont have this is you have used CS) easily sorted - just add some coordinating card!! this also will strengthen the card - added bonus!

add a make to the slider panel where you want to add a brad to secure your ribbon - this makes it easier when you pull it out to see where you need to punch your hole.

now all that's left to do is decorate!!!

Thursday 15 May 2014

Slider card

Seem to be going through a bit of a phase thing at the moment – a few weeks ago I was ALL OVER digis and colouring. This week I’m bored of them and wanted to do some cards using different folds.


I can across the slider card (and the peek a boo card – but that’s another post!!) and fell in love!!

It’s not a standard card that opens – it’s a postcard style card with a slider that reveals a hidden message! With Fathers day coming up I thought this was a perfect card to make for my dad.


Unfortunately I didn’t take pictures of the process as I thought it was just going to be a rough ‘practice’ card – but it ended up turning out pretty damn awesome!!!


I found the tutorial on youtube and she used a piece of CS cut down – I thought – sod that... I’m gonna use a pre folded card and adapt the measurements! SUPER EASY!!! Saved ALOT of time and meant I had a matching envelope! Can be made in ANY size.


So , here is my slider card!


Then you pull the ribbon....



The message panel pops out and the slider reveals a second little area for a cute stamp!!

LOVE THIS CARD!!! So versatile! Think I am going to make on for a wedding we are going to in a few months – I will post all my process and all measurements in that post.